Knw Urself and Knw Life.................

"Try to believe the best of Everyone, Trust me you will never hate anyone"

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Mantra for a Happy Life ...

Being Happy Is Easy and Its in my Hands!!!!

I believe "Everything that happens, happens for good" ... Sometimes when we want to achieve something and try for it and fails, we think we are not worth it and stop trying and get frustrated .. We give excuses, like "this happens to me everytime" or "Why always me" or "God is not with me and m not lucky etc.. etc..
Have you ever used bow and arrow, or have u ever seen how to aim an arrow through bow .. To make the arrow go far away, we pull it back and then aim it and throw.... Similarly, if we are trying and failing each time, stop and think whats going wrong .. set back, give urself another chance and then aim and shoot urself to achieve ur goal ..
Positive Thinking always will help u getting ur goals set right and this will keep u happy always .. If u feel bad by failing, u will never be able to achieve ur goals .. This is bcz u will never get that energy which comes from positivity and ability that you shud knw abt u... and hence u will never try ....
Being happy resolves many of your problems, even in day to day life and provides you what your daily food cannot... Everyday try to make at least two people happy, one of those shud be you ... and see how beautiful world is, how nice people are and how easy it is to achieve your goals ...

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